Friday 4 December 2009

In the memory of Taaloba (foxy) our pet kitten

I should confes that I have committed a crime (in my kids' opinion) when I throughout the family pet, our kitten TAALOBA (FOXY). Is it a crime if I am worried about their health? Ok, I will tell you the background story:''when I am young, say about 8 years old (less or more, I can't remember as it has been a very long time since then), I had a special love with cats. Cats from the neighborhood used to sleep at night in my bed. I searched for a kitten to be my pet and when I found one (I remember I didn't give him a name) but he became my favorite friend. When I came from school he ran to me to me to play and never let me take a book or magazine. But he became hungry; he went to my mother and meaw (because he knows who controls the food and resources in the house). I think at a time when he became older, he forgot that he was a cat because he used to; eat with in plates (cooked food), don't hunt mice or birds and lies down on the bed (on his back not on his side like other cats) and the great tragedy was that HE DON'T SOCIALIZED WITH OTHER CATS. I didn't realised the difference but my mother and aunt did and they kept saying that; ''this cat think he is a human being''. The other big problem happened was a serious lung infection which I had suffered at that time. My family decided to take my cat away because of my health issue. They convinced me by logic but emotionally I was not convinced. AT LAST, I told them that I agree but they should take him when I am not at home. I came one day and I found him gone. IT WAS SAD.
After a time, my aunt told us the story when she took the cat to place where he could find food easily so he will not starve. She through him in the market near the butchers stores and when she let him out of the bag, he meaw with a gesture as if he is saying; ''where am I? What is this rubbish?''. I don't know how long he survived but I am sure they did that for my best interest. I hope at some point my kids will know why I did that to their pet. (will be continued)

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