Friday 4 December 2009

In the memory of Taaloba (foxy) our pet kitten

I should confes that I have committed a crime (in my kids' opinion) when I throughout the family pet, our kitten TAALOBA (FOXY). Is it a crime if I am worried about their health? Ok, I will tell you the background story:''when I am young, say about 8 years old (less or more, I can't remember as it has been a very long time since then), I had a special love with cats. Cats from the neighborhood used to sleep at night in my bed. I searched for a kitten to be my pet and when I found one (I remember I didn't give him a name) but he became my favorite friend. When I came from school he ran to me to me to play and never let me take a book or magazine. But he became hungry; he went to my mother and meaw (because he knows who controls the food and resources in the house). I think at a time when he became older, he forgot that he was a cat because he used to; eat with in plates (cooked food), don't hunt mice or birds and lies down on the bed (on his back not on his side like other cats) and the great tragedy was that HE DON'T SOCIALIZED WITH OTHER CATS. I didn't realised the difference but my mother and aunt did and they kept saying that; ''this cat think he is a human being''. The other big problem happened was a serious lung infection which I had suffered at that time. My family decided to take my cat away because of my health issue. They convinced me by logic but emotionally I was not convinced. AT LAST, I told them that I agree but they should take him when I am not at home. I came one day and I found him gone. IT WAS SAD.
After a time, my aunt told us the story when she took the cat to place where he could find food easily so he will not starve. She through him in the market near the butchers stores and when she let him out of the bag, he meaw with a gesture as if he is saying; ''where am I? What is this rubbish?''. I don't know how long he survived but I am sure they did that for my best interest. I hope at some point my kids will know why I did that to their pet. (will be continued)

Friday 16 October 2009

Sudanese habits in eating

For me, it has been always interesting to know the differences in eating habits between nations. Last month I have read this blog (see the link: and I discovered that although India is far from Sudan but we shared the same habits in food sharing.
Sudanese (middle aged people) normally are embarrassed when eating alone while others don’t, and especially if it is a sandwich. They see themselves mingy if they don’t share their food with others.
We took our meals normally at homes and we share it with the expected guest who could come at any moment and feel welcomed. In my house for example we don't use dinner table when having our meals. Instead, we put the dishes in a big round alimony tray (the number of dishes vary according to the available food and the occasion) with a reasonable quantity of food. All the people eat from the same dishes and use their hands in eating unless the stuff is too soft (in that case we use table spoons). We normally eat stew with bread, kisra (which is more like the Ethiopian anjera but thinner like a journal paper), gorasa (more like pancake but with whole wheat, salty and thicker) or aseida (sorghum porridge).

Saturday 10 October 2009

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Wednesday 26 August 2009

If I had a Million Dollars 2

The other half I will spend in a charity project. I have a ready project which is very impressive. Children affected by heart- disorders. In Sudan there is a medical specialized center in heart-disorders and with a special part for children. The medication with its different levels and types are very expensive. Most of the cases of children affected with heart-disorders are curable if they get the help in the right time. But as most of Sudanese are poor or mid-income, they could not access this kind of medical treatment without assistance. I will help those of children to live better life.
People are selfish but not completely. Naturally they think first about their needs and then remember the miseries of others. Don’t ask someone to be above this unless s/he is a prophet or a saint. We are just humans.

Sunday 16 August 2009

An industry built on psychology

Hi Sam
I have read your column of 20/03/09 on The Guardian Weekly. In spite of my disagreement with some of your ideas but I am fond of your writing style which is very critic but also funny and polite.
I agree with you that some of the cosmetics’ advertisements, specially the anti-aging ones, are totally exaggerated and sometimes they are bluffing but the whole industry I think was built on the psychology of human beings.
I remember, when I was young my granny used to tell us stories about the young man who took the risk and jeopardise his life to bring the elixir of life for his lover to make her live with him forever in youth and beauty. The immortality and long lasting youth are deep desires in the human nature. So, I think the industry of cosmetics was built basically on this idea and its message is that if the people want to live in a long lasting youth, let’s make it easier for them. The offer is that, if you are afraid of wrinkles lets have a plastic surgery, if you afraid of surgery lets have some injections on your face and we will paralyze that bad nerve which make you seem older, if you are afraid even from injections, be relaxed we have the magic mixture for you.I like Dove initiative which calls for anti-stereotype look of beauty. They are saying to women that to be beautiful doesn’t mean you should be a manikin or a model, be proud of yourself and (MOISTER YOUR SKIN WITH OUR PRODUCTS) which I think is a reasonable and convincing message morally and commercially.

If I had a Million Dollars

If I had a million dollars…wow… I wonder what I can do!! Do you think it is an easy job to think or to plan for spending this HUGE amount of money? No, but I will try to organize my mind and not panic.
If I prioritized my needs and try not to be selfish, I will say that extending my house is my first and big need. My house consisted of one room, ‘L ‘shape hall, bathroom, kitchen and a small front and back yards. This space compared with the number of my family, is a cause of continuous problems. I and my husband taking the only room for ourselves while my three daughters and my son share part of the hall as their bedroom, living room, visitor’s room .. and really, it is a room for everything. Oh, It is a very crowded place.
My children’s ages are 14, 12, 9 and 6. Could you imagine that a girl of 14 with a boy of 12 and what are they quarreling about? Everything is a cause of argument and shouting. Sometimes it led to hand clashes. My two younger daughters are near to each others. They are playing and running around all the time and also had their own hard times when they disagree on something. Frankly, our house is a very noisy place.
By re-constructing my house and add upper flat to the existing building, to be constructive and not to begin from zero, I will help all my family members to find their own privacy when studying, sleeping or in need for calm moments to think about their lives. We will also have our intimate times as a family when having our meals together or sitting to watch TV in our living room (yoo-hoo...we will have a ling room).
This re-construing process plus new furniture will absorb only half of the million dollars (OK , don’t look at me ..I’ve added the furniture because it is not right to leave the house empty. Do you want us to SIT IN THE GROUND??).
Next post I’ll show you how I will spend the other half of my million dollars.

Friday 7 August 2009

Poor readers

Hello.. what do you think? What do you expect? What..what..what???
Please don’t be frustrated. I am just practicing in you to see how you will react. By the way if you are patient and kind you will visit my blog again to see if I am alive or not and if you are hard and tough you will also visit my blog to kick me out. I hope you are the first. See you soon….

Poor readers

Hello.. what do you think? What do you expect? What..what..what???

Please don’t be frustrated or confused. I am just practicing on you see how you will react. By the way if you are patient and kind you will visit my blog again to see if I am still alive or not and if you are hard and tough you will also visit my blog to kick me out. I hope you are the first. See you soon….